

A new stem cell therapy developed by scientists in Melbourne could help women regrow their breasts after cancer surgery. Doctors at the Bernard O’Brien Institute of Mircosurgery are starting the trial for a new technique called Neopec. The method uses a woman’s regenerative capacity to grow fat tissue in breasts. The world-first trial will involve few women’s regenerative capacity to grow fat tissue in breasts. The world-first trial will involve five women who have had tissue removed during surgery to remove during surgery to remove cancer; and the rest results could be reported by the end of the year 2010.

Neopec involves implanting and breast-shaped blodegradable chamber into the chest before surgeons redirect blood vessels into the chamber with the patients own fat cells. A gel is inserted to help the cell multiply over six months, and the chamber dissolves when the new breast is fully formed.

According to lead researcher Wayne Morrison, after successfully conducting the procedure on pigs, he was about 50% sure it would work in humans. The chief executive of the operation, Peter Mountford, said he would offer the procedure in 2013 to women in Australia, Europe, and South Aisa first.

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